Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The First Full Day With Our Full House

It's hard to believe it's only my second day here in Hefei, we've done so much with so much left to do! This morning we went shopping for a rug so the babies can have some tummy time and the all important scale to make sure they are gaining weight.

We chose two rugs we thought we'd like and the store brought them the same day so we could see which went best. It looks like an ad, doesn't it? Don't worry, it wasn't long before we had toys strewn on the carpet to trip over.

The babies are settling in nicely to their new home and their little personalities are starting to emerge. We have several very serious babies, several very ticklish babies and several that love to "talk". At one point today I said to my daughter, Caitlin, that I had the best job in the world. Getting to cuddle all these babies is wonderful.

Stay tuned for more news, we are going to attempt nanny training tomorrow during naptime! we'll see how that goes. I was never successful at getting two children to nap at the same time!

Sandi Glass

ACHH Coordinator

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