Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More graduates!

John and Ben have graduated from the home and moved into foster care! Our house manager, Zhang Ming, wrote a wonderful play-by-play of the day they left for foster care, which I think explains our mix of emotions very well. Please read his account of the day:

Two children were picked up back to [their home town]. We thought there would be four babies going to be moved direct to foster care, but we were told that one foster family is not ready yet to accept our children. So we only have Jun and Bao sent back. Bing and Kang are scheduled to be sent back in a couple of days this week.

Thinking that four post surgery children [all from the same orphanage] were leaving, our cleft home nannies had their last hugs and pictures with the babies. We also had a group picture of all our babies from this orphanage together.

These four children were scheduled to be sent back.

Ben, Kyle, Becca, John

[This orphanage] has the most cleft babies in our home. We have altogether 6 babies at one time accounting for half of the total numbers!

John questions, "You doesn't seem to be one of my mums. Who are you?"

"No, I don't want to part with my mums at cleft home.

I want to stay here. Why choose me first?"

Ben comments, "I don't want to go, either."

One more picture before we part.

One more hug! and one more hug for my wife and son!

One more kiss. Goodbye and take care!

Good trip, Ben!

Good trip, John!

We all love you!

With tears!

Zhang Ming

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