Thursday, April 17, 2008

The "bad" habits that we love!

With every week that passes, the family-like environment of the cleft home grows stronger. The babies are becoming more and more comfortable all the time, and have become selective and demanding! While this may make it harder to keep them happy, we are VERY glad to hear about their “bad” habits.

Ben now only falls asleep in the arms of his nannies—

he likes to be fed, held, and patted as

he drifts off to slumber land.

Becca also likes to be rocked to sleep, and some

nights, she will only let Nanny Zhang Ning do it!

All of the babies are learning how to attract the attention of their nannies.

John is happy and content as long as you keep speaking to him…

but as soon as you try to hold other papers, he cries hard!

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